It’s time to celebrate family at the Oliver Museum. On Friday, Feb. 15th from 2 - 6 pm, the Museum will be hosting a free, all-ages Family Day Celebration. This is a one-day event featuring a free half-hour workshop on recording family oral histories, a child-friendly family tree craft and colouring, activities and snacks! Come use our Selfie Station to take some old-fashioned family photos, mark your family’s origins on our world map, and celebrate your family!

Recording the stories of older family members is an important way to preserve memories and experiences for the next generation. Want to learn how it’s done? Come join our family oral history workshop, offered in two separate sessions at 3:30 and 5:00 pm. Workshop participants will learn how to collect and preserve their family histories using equipment like voice recorders and cameras and will learn how to sign out equipment from our new oral history lending library after the event. Participants in this hands-on session will learn how to set up and run the equipment, how to brainstorm lists of questions and topics, and how to encourage candid and flowing conversation.

 Workshops are led by Collections Intern and experienced oral history practitioner Cassandra Colman. Both sessions are child-friendly and include time to practice. Plus these make great family projects and are an excellent way to get quality time with your loved ones. So come out to the Museum on Feb. 15th and have some fun!

This event is supported by the Province of British Columbia. Our thanks to the Province and the BC Museums Association for helping to make the event possible.

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